"Having lost a tooth, it is not easy to decide whether to have it replaced or not. Some of us are not bothered, but before saying ‘no’ to implants, it is important to be familiar with the risks of doing so. The adjacent teeth next to the missing tooth might get mobile due to the lack of support. Your smile might loose its natural looks and structure. Mobility of the teeth might lead to further problems, and might even necessitate orthodontic treatment in the future” – says Dr. Antonio Barbiera, our implantologist.
However, there are several factors to make the decision really difficult. We try to give you a hand with this collection of articles about several aspect of procedures of implantology..
While implantation is an invasive surgery, it is a very quick and painless surgery, especially considering other forms of oral surgery. The dental surgeon will first remove the gum, and set the places s/he intends to place the dental implants. The drilling is done with a special instrument, which can be set to the right pressure, and under local anaesthetic, you will only feel a slight vibration.
Tooth Replacements- Bridge Or Dental Implant?
A Swedish professor Dr Branemark discovered some 50 years ago that titanium based metal alloys do not get rejected by the human body; on the contrary they trigger what is called osseointegration, meaning the bone grows on to the surface of the dental implant.
Mini Implants To Replace An Entire Row Of Teeth
“ I have been aware of having gum recession for quite a few years now, but my dentist said that currently there is no cure for this condition. He said you can prolong the problem, but you cannot really cure it. All of my upper and lower teeth are moving as a result, and one of them has become so loose as a result of biting that it is ready to fall out at any second. I simply must remedy this situation, for aesthetic reasons as well as medical ones. Because all of my teeth are loose, a partial bridge is out of the question, but I do not want a denture. Your website mentions the Imtec-MDI row of teeth with 4 miniature dental implants. This solution looks feasible. What is the difference between mini and normal dental implants?”
A good visual tool is always a worthy investment; it allows for quick transfer of data, and it makes the job of the person explaining and the person receiving information all the easier. 3D visual graphics are becoming a staple of today’s education, but few people know that 3D imaging sometimes takes weeks or even months of work. Dental implantology is one of those fields in which the micro environment is very important, and the visual representation of the surgical procedures is also of vital importance. We can get to see places that a camera cannot penetrate, isolating the questionable areas and thereby reducing the possibility of error.
Replacing Teeth- Dental Implants Or Bridges?
Dental implantation refers to the practice of having titanium screws inserted into your jawbone for the sake of replacing one or more natural teeth that were previously at the site of implantation. They are an artificial way to replace tooth roots, and have crowns on top of them to replace the entire tooth. While a bridge needs at least two stable points to go between, a dental implant needs no such thing.
Tooth Replacements- Bridge Or Dental Implant?
A Swedish professor Dr Branemark discovered some 50 years ago that titanium based metal alloys do not get rejected by the human body; on the contrary they trigger what is called osseointegration, meaning the bone grows on to the surface of the dental implant.
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