New Dental Filling Material?

A new dental filling material that has the potential to kill 100% of residual bacteria is being developed by Chinese scientists. This will make dental fillings more effective at preventing further tooth decay from forming, and will also be more adept at saving the tooth that they are being used on. These new dental fillings use a combination of bonding agents, nanotechnology and the body’s own ability to repair itself, something that modern medicine aims at. The new filling material has the ability to regenerate the lost bits of tooth material as well, an added plus to the already bountiful roster of positive effects that this new material will have.


Improved dental fillings

These dental fillings would be made of three parts: a bonding agent, a primer that is used to coat the entire tooth, and the actual filling material itself, which is a combination of silver nanoparticles and ammonium. This material has a high Ph, and the silver is especially adept at killing bacteria, which is why it was used in amalgam dental fillings. The nanoparticles are small enough that they can enter the tiny tubules inside of the dentine and the tooth pulp, thus killing any and all residual bacteria. This is great news, as one of the biggest problems in dentistry is with teeth that have already been filled, when not all of the infected material is removed, and thus the tooth in question becomes susceptible to attack again and again, and will eventually need to undergo a root canal treatment, which ends up killing the tooth. But if the bacteria are all killed, then the tooth has a much better chance of recovery and survival leading to longer lasting oral health. The dental filling material also contains calcium phosphate particles, which aid in rebuilding the tooth enamel of the tooth in question.

Where to get some antibacterial dental fillings

This product is still being tested, but rounds of clinical trials for it have already begun, and this means that the technology used to make these will soon be widely available, if the clinical trials prove to be a success.       

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