What Tooth Discolouration Says About You

The life you live leaves its mark on your teeth, in more ways than one. One of the most obvious ones is discolouration and staining. The kinds of foods you eat and the habits you have will discolour your teeth in certain ways. Below is a list of the shade the plaque or staining is, with an explanation of what is doing the staining. This may, in the future, help you to overcome tooth stains and discolouration, and help you to understand why your teeth are being affected in this manner.

What Tooth Discolouration Says About You
What Tooth Discolouration Says About You

Yellow discolouration on your teeth

Yellow teeth can be a sign of two things: they can either be plaque that is associated with food detritus, or it can be that your cementum is showing, and you lack tooth enamel. If it is just plaque, then have no fear: brush more often and don’t forget to see your dentist every six months for a check-up and a hygiene session. But if it isn’t plaque, but your teeth themselves, then it probably means that your cementum- the hard, hidden layer of tooth underneath the enamel- is showing. This means that your tooth enamel is gone, and you are seriously at risk for developing cavities. It also means that something is eating away at your teeth, and you probably have a lot of contact with acids. Try to make your diet more base oriented.

Grey stains on your teeth

Grey teeth usually come about because of a failure to develop proper tooth enamel in the first place. Many times, antibiotics like amoxicillin are the cause of this, and the tooth will be permanently stained in this manner. There is little to nothing that can be done with this kind of discolouration, as it stems from the actual structure of your teeth, and is not a layer on top of it.


Brown stains on your teeth

Brown discolouration means you have high levels of tannins, or tar in your mouth. Tannins are the staining agents that can be found in coffee, tea, cola, and a whole slew of berries and fruits as well. Tar usually gets into the mouth via cigarettes. Both can easily be avoided by a change in diet or lifestyle. These stains, although very unsightly, are the easiest to remove. 

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