How Long Does Orthodontic Treatment Take?

One of the first questions that patients ask (if not before, then definitely after the braces go on), is how long the braces will stay on? There is not one correct answer for this question as so many factors tie in to shaping your treatment time. But there are a couple of guidelines that make it possible to guess, roughly, how much time you are going to spend in braces.

How Long Does Orthodontic Treatment Take?
How Long Does Orthodontic Treatment Take?


The shortest amount of time you can spend in braces is 6 months, and the most you can spend is up to 3 years. Usually, the average orthodontic treatment is around 12-18 months in length, and requires some amount of retention. The retention phase is usually around another 6 months, but certain common orthodontic problems require you to wear a retainer for life.

Factors of an Orthodontic Treatment

The length of time your dentist will say is your orthodontic treatment time is an idealised number, and the reality can be much longer, or much shorter, depending on some factors that cannot be calculated in the beginning. Each person is anatomically different, and stronger gums, thicker bones or teeth that are just more reluctant to move can lengthen the time of your orthodontic treatment.

Aside from anatomical differences, the differences in the kind of device used also changes how fast and how strongly you react to the orthodontic treatment, which in turn influences the treatment time. A loose bracket or an improperly placed ligature can also lengthen the treatment time, not to mention the many accidents that can befall the orthodontic patient. But there is one factor that tends to influence the length of orthodontic treatment the most and that is none other than patient participation.

Patient Participation

Treatment times tend to lengthen because of patients. Patients either cannot show up to an activation session, which means that the treatment time is lengthened by roughly a month each time this occurs, or simply forget or skip an appointment, with the same results. If there are any problems that may have been spotted during the activation session, and the patient does not show up, then this problem can cause further delays. Many times the brackets come off because patients have messed with it or have handled it inappropriately. Sometimes the braces are damaged by careless patients, or by factors outside of the patient’s control, which of course also tends to increase the amount of time spent in braces. With removable braces, this is even more so the case, as how long the braces are worn is the main factor in how long the orthodontic treatment will last.

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