Early Signs Of Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is the most frequently occurring cancer among young people and those in their middle age. It has become an epidemic of massive proportions, and affects many men and women today. This form of cancer does have some upsides though: it is very easy to spot, and has a 90% survival rate before metastasis, as it can very easily be removed. However, there is a snowballing effect, and if it reaches a certain point, it is almost always fatal. The best thing to do is to be aware of the early symptoms of oral cancer, and identify the disease before it gets worse. Here is a guide to how to identify the early signs of oral cancer.

Early Signs Of Oral Cancer
Oral Cancer

A wound that does not heal

Cuts and other wounds in the mouth take longer to heal, as the inside of the mouth is basically a mucus membrane, and is constantly wet. But wounds that keep on bleeding and do not show any signs of getting better, even if they are not bothered in any way, and are not re-opened are suspect, and should be seen by a dentist immediately. This can be the first stages of oral cancer.

Cold sore?

Cold sores that have a particularly thick white layer on them, and that do not get better on their own are also suspect. Cold sores usually are outbreaks of the herpes simplex virus, and are just an outbreak; they are not permanent in any way. However, if the cold sore is in fact oral cancer, it will not heal, and will become bigger and bigger, consuming more of the soft tissues. The soft white layer on a cold sore can easily be rubbed away, but the white erythroplakia that is a part and parcel of oral cancer cannot be removed at all.

Tell tale places

Although technically any part of the mouth can develop a tumour, only few places usually do. There are some spots in the mouth that are where oral cancer usually grows, but it can be in any place really. The sides of the tongue, the gums on the upper jaw and the inside of the cheek are the most likely places that oral cancer starts to grow. If you have any bleeding or discomfort from these areas, it is worth getting it checked out, as prevention cna be a question of survival.  

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