Chocolate days for your teeth

Good news for desperate chocolate lovers: dark chocolate has been proven to be effective in fighting plaque, cavities and tooth decay. Of course, the chocolate in question is not the milk chocolate full of sugar, but the dark one. Plain chocolate candy can easily be washed away having a glass of water, so sugars and acids are easy to neutralise.


Chocolate is one of the most complex food we know: it has more than 300 chemical compounds, and some of them are highly beneficial. Made from the seed of the cocoa tree, chocolate is one of the best sources of antioxidants on the planet, and might lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

If you are unable to give up sweets completely, dark chocolate might be the healthiest choice, because of the antibacterial substances of cocoa eliminating the risks associated with sweets containing sugar.

How to consume it?


For the best therapeutic effect, the most useful, but probably the less enjoyable method is chewing cocoa seed.  The second best choice from this point of view might be a slice of dark chocolate with high cocoa content and less than 6,8 grams of sugar per serving.  Raw chocolate is even a better option, as it is less processed and therefore more antioxidants are left intact.

Of course, it doesn’t mean, that you are permitted to consume a lot of chocolate every day! It is still loaded with calories and easy to overeat, so your calorie intake should be accordingly modified when eating.

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